Saturday, May 18, 2013

Education Methode

On this page you'll find the basics of learning techniques. I summarize here is virtually the minimum, which brings you huge progress, provided it also applies these things! This page is not yet complete. It is gradually expanded.

Numbers are abstract units and are thus difficult to learn. While this encounter everywhere. I have the basic methods for the learning of numbers under the articles
Numbers learn and memorize a simple system
Numbers learn and memorize with an advanced system
The master system is used to remember numbers and comes from the field of advanced systems. While the numbers in images are encoded. This has the advantage of better remember allow images as purely abstract numbers. You can find all the information about a possible master system in the article
Learning numbers with the master system

This method is also an important, if not the central area of the learning techniques. Route points are formed in which the things to remember are figuratively placed. I have the basics to do so in the article
To get a sense for the formation of the route points and basically ever to start routes, I started the project House. This project establishes an imaginary House with route points.

So what actually come in the head, I have in the article
The history method as a factor for learning and remembering
The method of history presented.

The keyword method provides the basis for learning and remembering unfamiliar words, such as technical terms or vocabulary, for example. I asked this in the article
Learning with the keyword method
Explained in more detail.
I have the use of it in the article
Words properly easily learn - tips and tricks examples.

Also remembering names is a foundation that is not negligible. In the article
Easier to remember name
have I explained this more precisely.

It lacks a total 2 Basics article, namely
Note data (in terms of date)
Mind maps as a basic framework for learning.
I will write of course also this time, so that this list here is completed.

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